Sunday, 17 August 2014

Edinburgh Daily Diary Day 6 Saturday 16th

I feel I should talk about PBH's Free Fringe who are the organisation our show is part of this year. PBH Free Fringe finds venues for shows to perform at during the fringe where they won't be charged and in return we don't charge people to come in. It's a great scheme for performers and audience members a like and if you are up at this year's fringe please support as many PBH shows as you can, take a punt on someone you don't know, you'll have a great time and who knows you might just see the next big thing. Gary, Joe and myself would not be performing at this years fringe if it wasn't for PBH, it's a great organisation which has made us better performers.

So Saturday was my first day off and I had successfully managed to make sure I was fully booked for the entire day, we started early being at The Stand to see Bridget Christie her show last year won her the Foster's Comedy Award and this show which was all about it's success and feminism in general was thought provoking, clever, funny and actually uplifting. It's second time I've political show at this years fringe and again I haven't left feeling angry, more inspired a sense that we can change the world. She gave us a envelope with some information about FGM but asked us not to read if we were going to see another comedy show. As we had only an hour to kill before Stewart Lee we went and grabbed some lunch instead.

We headed over to Pret, where a very angry Scot in a green kilt was offering tourists and angry tour and history of the city.



He was funny and passionate and during the course of a falafel wrap I did find out more about the history Scotland, I hadn't asked for this information but it is now stuck in my brain!

We headed back over to The Stand to catch Stewart Lee's work in progress, it's always a joy to see Stew's work he's one of the main reason I got into Stand Up Comedy and one of the reason I wanted to come up and perform at the fringe. His show was a work in progress for his next TV show, it was everything you'd expect from a talent like Lee. He also had a lot of fun complaining about how Saturday audiences didn't understand him. Afterwards I brought a copy of his indeterminacy Cd a John Cage project he worked on with Tania Chen and Steve Beresford, I had wanted a copy of the Jazz Cellar tape a recording off him as a young stand up but sadly they were sold out.

After that we headed back to the flat and had a quick power nap before heading over to the Voodoo Rooms (a PBH Free Fringe venue) to catch John Luke Roberts. He was someone we took a punt on a few years ago so we were excited to go and see him now. Sadly when we got to the venue the place was packed and we couldn't get in. Luckily though Dave Alnwick other magic show was about to start. I'd seen his big show in the Ballroom earlier on in the week but this was more close up magic. It was a fun and interesting show, I've always had a soft spot for magic I understand the basic principles but never the self discipline to become a good performer.

Afterwards Oonagh and I went got some food at rather nice restaurant on Cockburn street (God I laugh at that every time) the place was cool with a TV showing Lost in Space.

After tea we went up to the Pleasance to catch Tim Key's show. It was bloody amazing, I love Tim Key and this show was simply spectacular with thrown in magic as a bonus. Afterwards we headed back to the flat and spoke with Gary for a bit before heading to bed.

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