Saturday, 11 January 2014

10th January

Today was another morning shift, which went fine, I arrived home and began work on my play for the second LABB night which is on the theme of childhood I also did the last bit of redrafting for Bondage which I'll be rehearse tomorrow.

If that wasn't enough writing I also began to work on another short play for LABB. If I'm honest I'm not a hundred percent sure off it. I had the idea of Wednesday and the deadline is tomorrow, and with rehearsals for Bondage I don't think I'll be able to get it into great shape. It's a nice idea but not one which entirely links in with the theme for the night, if it doesn't get picked I might develop it for something else if not it was a good exercise, I wrote two 3 dimensional  female characters (I've written female sketches before) which shockingly is a first for me. That's one of the great things about Writers LABB is it forces you to write towards deadlines, and gets you writing things you might not normally work towards.

I went to Pub tonight which given my decision to not drink in January was surprisingly easy I had two other friends taking part in the challenge known as Dryathalon, however one of them fell at the first hurdle (went the bar and came back with two pints of Stella). When I came back home I was excited to find out that the latest series of Always Sunny in Philadelphia, is finally on Netflix. I watched one...OK I watched two episodes before going to bed.

I also had an idea for another short comic book strip which I think would work well as a future shock short for 2000AD I've already worked on one short which I will be hopefully sending in sometime this week so I can begin work on the next one.

I think if I want to get anywhere in this industry i'll just have to keep writing.

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