Busy and productive day today, the first of 2014. Most the day was spent working on a script meeting for Bondage a new sketch show I've been working on with Tom Critch, Mark Till and Gary Lunt based around James Bond. This is obviously rich material for comedy but has also been done quite a lot before, so find original and interesting ways of exploring the material can sometimes prove to be more difficult than first imagined. However we have built up a rich bank of material over the last couple of months and now we had to be disciplined in what we were putting in.
We found the best solutions was rather than cutting whole sketches was to be brutal and cut them down in size. After a quick look in some record and book shops (I walked away with three Sandman Graphic Novels, they were on offer!)
I jumped on a train home, bagging myself a table seat, and started to type away a re-draft on my Funding Cut sketch. In a early scratch performance in Preston Emily (the new minister of defense) and Mark (M) did a fantastic job of making my frankly hammy sketch into something really exceptional, I went through and re-wrote it, now with their characters voice more clearly drawn, it still amazes me how much your writing improves when you have the input of actors, little things like the tone of their voice can add so much flavour to a scene which can totally exceed your own imagination. I'm quite happy with the re-write and I'm really looking forward to what I think will be a really funny and fun night of live music and comedy. I'll keep you up to date as when I know the final details on the performance.
It also seems pretty certain that I will be going to the Edinburgh fringe this year which is very exciting. I had a quick email correspondence with Ruth (a fellow member of writers LABB) the director of my short play for LABB next night "Childhood" Tuesday 18th February
A good start to 2014.
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